Bring a Friend Week – MMA Classes

Share with your friend the training you’ve been getting at Takedown. Bring them to our MMA classes.

Bring a friend week at the end of november don’t miss out!!!

Bring a friend week



About The Author

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What Students Have to Say!


Lost 30 Pounds and No More Seizures!!


Loss 60 lbs and Loves The Program


Great Place to Train!

MMA for Kids

Having fun and gaining self-confidence…

“I really like the way that coach and mentor your students to focus on self-protection and to wisely use the Mixed Martial Arts and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu skills you teach for self-protection only and with a sense of duty that is rarely seen in many dojos. I also like the way that you focus on developing the character and leadership of developing young minds. I can see that the character that you help build can benefit schools, home life, later life-skills and society in general. It is easy to see that the students are having fun and gaining self-confidence while learning how to protect themselves. I encourage any parent focused on anti-bullying or leadership skills to enroll their young children in your school. Thank you for the skills you are teaching my son.” – Ross, Woodbridge Ontario
MMA for Kids
“I really like the way that coach and mentor your students to focus on self-protection and to wisely use the Mixed Martial Arts and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu skills you teach for self-protection only and with a sense of duty that is rarely seen in many dojos. I also like the way that you focus on

Shaved 30 min off my half-marathon run!

“Since going to Takedown MMA regularly, I’ve lost 7% body fat, gained muscle strength, and decrease my half-marathon time by 30 minutes. The classes will leave you sweating like crazy regardless of how often you do them. The atmosphere is friendly, fun, and everyone is willing to give you tips on technique. I recommend Takedown to ANYONE, just KEEP UP and you WILL SEE AND FEEL RESULTS!” – Diana Mollicone, Toronto, Ontario

“Since going to Takedown MMA regularly, I’ve lost 7% body fat, gained muscle strength, and decrease my half-marathon time by 30 minutes. The classes will leave you sweating like crazy regardless of how often you do them. The atmosphere is friendly, fun, and everyone is willing to give you tips on technique. I recommend Takedown

Gold Medalist 3 Months into His Training!


Didn’t know anything about Martial Arts or Fitness

“I’m a Takedown member, and I’ve been here since the beginning. I train in the conditioning and muay thai kickboxing classes. When I first started, I didn’t know anything about martial arts or fitness. Thanks to Gianfranco, I’ve reached my goals. I’ve gained strength, endurance and great technique, my body has never looked so great. The training I received at Takedown is the best. We are like a big family, the atmosphere is amazing and everyone is always willing to help. I recommend Takedown MMA to anyone.” – Nicola Schiracci, Woodbridge, Ontario
“I’m a Takedown member, and I’ve been here since the beginning. I train in the conditioning and muay thai kickboxing classes. When I first started, I didn’t know anything about martial arts or fitness. Thanks to Gianfranco, I’ve reached my goals. I’ve gained strength, endurance and great technique, my body has never looked so great.

Amazing Place


Mikie just got his Blue Belt!

Just got his blue belt and is very happy
Just got his blue belt and is very happy

Max feels at home training here!

“ I’ve been training at Takedown for just over a few months now. So far it’s been a great experience! The staff here is amazing, Gianfranco really knows his stuff. And the people that go here really make it feel like a family, more than a gym. And that’s what I like about it. “ – Max Broyda, Maple, Ontario


“ I’ve been training at Takedown for just over a few months now. So far it’s been a great experience! The staff here is amazing, Gianfranco really knows his stuff. And the people that go here really make it feel like a family, more than a gym. And that’s what I like about it. “ – Max Broyda, Maple, Ontario
