Interactive Schedule
This Martial Arts Class schedule is updated regularly and can be imported to your phone! Schedule is subject to change…
If you have any questions please us at (905) 851-2223

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What Students Have to Say!

Didn’t know anything about Martial Arts or Fitness

Having fun and gaining self-confidence…

Max feels at home training here!
“ I’ve been training at Takedown for just over a few months now. So far it’s been a great experience! The staff here is amazing, Gianfranco really knows his stuff. And the people that go here really make it feel like a family, more than a gym. And that’s what I like about it. “ – Max Broyda, Maple, Ontario
“ I’ve been training at Takedown for just over a few months now. So far it’s been a great experience! The staff here is amazing, Gianfranco really knows his stuff. And the people that go here really make it feel like a family, more than a gym. And that’s what I like about it. “ – Max Broyda, Maple, Ontario

Mikie just got his Blue Belt!
Loss 60 lbs and Loves The Program
Gold Medalist 3 Months into His Training!
Lost 30 Pounds and No More Seizures!!

Shaved 30 min off my half-marathon run!

Lost 20 Pounds!!