Kick Start the New Year with Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Training

It’s a new year and a fresh start to make all those changes you’ve wanted to in your life. You know the number one resolution people usually make at the beginning of the year is to lose weight and get in shape. It also happens to be the first thing that usually gets dropped by about the end of January every year.

You know why? The main reason people give up on their resolution to lose weight and get in shape is that they get tired of the gym really quickly. The trick to getting in shape is finding something you actually like doing that just happens to also help get you in shape. And not just in shape but in the best shape of your life.

That’s why people who choose to start Brazilian Jiu Jitsu at the New Year, or any time of the year, actually see results. When you become a student of BJJ, you actually enjoy taking the classes and look forward to coming back. In fact, many of our students come to class for reasons other than just getting in shape. Dropping pounds and getting fit is just one of the beneficial side effects students are lucky to get.

More than Great Fitness

In addition to fitness and weight loss there are plenty of reasons our students take Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Self-defense is one of the other main reasons students take BJJ and mixed martial arts classes. Any MMA class prepares the student for some of the best and most useful self-defense techniques around.

The reason Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is crucial to learning some of the most important self-defense maneuvers is because it helps students learn how to defend themselves from the most vulnerable attack position – the ground. BJJ is all about learning how to recover and come back in any case where your attacker gets you to the ground. No other type of self-defense training can be used until you are able to come back from that ground position.

Beyond Even Self-Defense

While the two main reasons (and possibly most important reasons) students get signed up for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu training may be weight loss and self-defense, there are still plenty of other benefits aside from that. In fact here’s an example of just a few of the other benefits students get from BJJ training that keep them coming back for more:

  • Improved self-esteem and confidence
  • Strength conditioning
  • Improved performance with other sports and physical activities
  • Being social and making friends in a safe environment
  • Plus so much more


The bottom line is that in order to actually see weight loss results, you have to want to show up for fitness training. Most people get bored hitting the treadmill about three weeks into their New Year’s resolution. This year have success by coming by Takedown MMA and taking advantage of our 30 day FREE trial and our 60 day money back guarantee. Start this year off right!

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